Memorabilia ...



The Pink Lady of Malibu

A BIG Thanks for Stuart Muller for these WONDERFUL Surf Board labels ...


Sovereign memorabilia submitted by Bill Barnett & Vince Flaherty


Eddie Moore's student I.D. card

Danny Fuller's 1st Driver's License ...



Remember when we had names instead of numbers for prefixes?  
And LOOK zip codes!!  


There's Keith Barker's card ... he is now teaches Calculus" ...

That "Dukes" card was hand-made by Dickie Woods ... guess the Dukes didn't have business cards yet ...
the above b
usiness cards were saved all these years by Mark Speizer.  
Thank you!

Guess who wrote this ... 

Ok, its my very first day at Uni.  We had to go to the administration offices and sign in and find out where we were to go. 
There was a counter in the office and various "Older" people were standing behind the counter (administrators).  I'm in line and
finally it's my turn.  This thin guy with gray hair is standing there and asks me my name.  I tell him, and I notice this name plate
on the counter with the name Harry Dick on it.  I say to this guy "Look, someone put this on the counter.  I guess they were trying
to be funny"  The guy says to me "What's so funny?"  I say "Harry Dick, that's what's so funny"  He says "That's my name"  I say
"You are joking aren't you"  He just stares at me, and then after forever he says "No, that's my name".  That's how I started at Uni. 
It only got worse ...

Duke's Arm patch ... 1961

Jason's Medallion ~ 1961






Bay Theatre exterior


The Bay Theatre ... opened 1948
pictures sent by Guy Webb


Who could forget the Hot Dog Show? 


Remember those Chocolate Milk Shakes (35 cents) and French fries!!
[Thank you, Stuart Muller]


Later on Trumans added a walkway and long roof cover so that car hops could bring the food without being directly exposed to elements. 
The roof went from the front door to about 10 feet from the curb.  Cars could park on either side of covered area.  The original Trumans
pictured here was a restaurant and didn't have a drive in facility.  When the drive-in craze came, Trumans added the cover.


POP ... Pacific Ocean Park memorabilia sent in by Mark Speizer



vintage P.O.P. stickers


Pacific Ocean Park Opening Year Brochure 1958


Memorabilia provided by Judi Hersh Welch ... Now who of us out there
can say they saved a "gum wrapper"?  WOW Judi, I'm impressed!!!

Danny Fuller's ticket to the World Series ...