Rexford Highschool ... pictures provided by Mark Speizer

1961 Back row L-R 
(?), Mark Speizer, (?), (?), (?), (?), (?),
(?), (?), (?), (?), (?), (?),
Cherrie Foster, Dickie Woods, (?), Chris Rubin, Joanne Meyers, (?), Betty Milius ...

Chris Rubin ... 1961 Promo for Rexford


Some in the pictures are, Chris Rubin, Dickie Woods, Gary Alberts & Penny Davis.  And
hey Uni kids, who couldn't even go OFF CAMPUS without a permission slip, see them
smoking on their class break????


Dickie Woods, Class picture ~ 1961



Chris Rubin, Class picture ~ 1961



Class picture ~ 1961 ...front row L-R ...Bob Crosby, Gene Irell, Charlene Groman,  
back row ... Gary Albert is the tall guy in the middle



Gary Albert top left and Charlene Groman (of Groman's Mortuary) bottom right ~ 1960